My Profiles

Work Showcase

Static Web Development

Created a static front-end of a website, used the external CSS to style the different segments of contents of website like divisions, sections, headers, etc.

Dynamic Web Development
Simon Game

Created a dynamic website using bootstrap and the javascript, used jquery to perform standardize interactions between the js and html elements.

Python Development
Distraction Detector

used various python libraries such as opencv, numpy, tkinter etc for building a drowsiness detection system, used haar cascade xml files for face detection.

Open CV
Face Detection

Used mediapipe's dlib for human's front face detection, detects 76 different landmarks of human face, draws rectangular box around detected faces and shows accuracy of detection along with FPS.

Machine Learning
Traffic Light Violation

Developed traffic light violation system, used pre-trained MobileNet-SSD model for object detection, takes the real time video as input, detect the red signal, creates alert when driver violates red signal.

Artificial Intelligence
Lane Detection

Developed a lane detection model for ego vehicles, used Gradient filter with Sobel Operator to eliminate nearly horizontal lines and implemented curve fitting with sliding-windows to detect lane lines.

Employment History

Data Science Intern at Edvak Inc

Feb, 2023 - Jun, 2023

  • Worked on Darwin project developing an AI assistant with interactive UI.
  • Integrated EHR database records of patients using Deep Learning models.
  • Used Python, Selenium, PyTorch, HuggingFace, FastAPI, NLP, LLM, Prompting, Tensorflow.
Summer Intern at RedCarpetUp

May, 2022 - Jun, 2022

  • Focused on credit and tax management systems.
  • Automated user database updates with Python scripting.
  • Optimized databases using SQL queries.
  • Used Postman, RestAPI, MySQL, Docker, Flask, Linux, SQLite3.
SDE Intern at Unicorn Vision

Nov, 2021 - May, 2022

  • Worked on development of ML models for detecting lanes, change in lanes, suggestions for making turns.
  • Implemented real-time collision detection using multilayer perceptron.
  • Used OpenCV, Numpy, Tkinter, Haar Cascade, PIL, Threading, scipy, boto3, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS.
  • SIH (Smart India Hackathon) 2022 Finalist for software domain problem: Interpretation of groundwater isotope data.

  • Secured 1872 global rank out of 37398 contestants in the qualification round of Google Code Jam 2021.

  • Secured 4675 global rank out of 15000+ contestants in the Code Jam to I/O for Women 2021.

  • Secured 3013 in the preliminary round of ACM-ICPC 2020 International Collegiate Programming Contest.

  • Solved 700+ problems on different coding platforms profiles of which mentioned above.

Thank You For Visiting

Your support and interest mean the world to me. I'm passionate about technology, innovation, and the endless possibilities they bring. If you'd like to connect, collaborate, or simply say hello, feel free to reach out through the links below. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!